
Healer and Spiritual Consultant

Heal. Transform. Grow

Remove Blockages, Progress in Life, Attain Your Goals

Understand the cause of blockages, eliminate limiting belief systems, cancel negative repetitive patterns in life, move towards progress and understand how to manifest desires in life

Your freedom awaits

Awaken your infinite potential

Most of us, are caught in a web of self doubt, and visualising lives which are picture perfect handed out to us through by society, defining everything to happen in life according to certain societal norms.

We end up constantly comparing ourselves trying to measure up to the expectations of society.
In the process we forget, there is an inner world within us, and we all are endowed with qualities and capabilities very different from others. That is our unique identity, which will take us to a higher level.

While trying to be something we aren’t. We ignore our own potential and try hard to acquire something we don’t possess. Counseling and hypnotherapy helps us to identify our potential and understand our inner world better.
The key is being in alignment with our inner self, loving ourself and recognising our potential,which will bring about a sea change in our outer world too.
Most of us, are caught in a web of self doubt, and visualising lives which are picture perfect handed out to us through various media, like movies, television shows, religious talk and general discussions among friends,relatives, colleagues etc defining everything to happen in life according to certain societal norms.
In constantly trying to compare ourselves with what the outer world portrays to be perfect, we constantly end up comparing ourselves trying to measure up to the expectations of our do called society.
In the process we forget, there is an inner world within us , and we all are unique in our own ways endowed with qualities and capabilities very different from others. That is actually our unique selling point, our identity, which actually will take us to a higher level, than trying to be something we aren’t.
This leads to  ignoring our own potential and trying hard to acquire something we don’t possess, counseling and hypnotherapy helps us to identify our potential and understand our inner world better. The key is being in alignment with our inner self, loving ourself and recognising our potential,which will bring about a sea change in our outer world too.
Healing services

Transform & Empower


Reading helps in getting a clearer picture and more clarity in taking descisions, and healing to resolve issues in life.


Different modalities of healing like Reiki, Theta, Magnified, Hypno Therapy, Past life regression etc are used According to the need of an individual

Past Life

Regression a process done through Hypnotherapy, where a person is regressed to see  nagging issues such as phobias or suffering from any kind of problem.


Once a reading is done for a person regarding any pertaining issue, counseling is very important prior to healing.

How Paridhi can help

Who is this best suited for?

Students & young individuals trying to find their path in life

Individuals who feel like they are stuck in life and have hit a plateau

Individuals who are in emotional distress due to problems in life


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Personalized services

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Attend live events

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Consulting & tips

Individual & corporate

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What clients say

Manisha VermaNew Delhi, India
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Paridhi like a celestial ,like her name a spiritual healer who gives accurate reading and guidance through her divine power. I have been consulting her from more then 10 years and whenever I have consulted her she guided me through her divine vision with her most accurate readings about my journey during my conflicting phases and guided me and healed me. I have full trust on her readings and guidance because she use this natural power of her for the well-being of people in need. I would recommend her to the people who are pure soul and suffering in life and seeking some guidance.
Neeta RoyNoida, India
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I have been consulting Paridhi from the past eleven years, have tried both Tarot and psychic reading, and have found her readings accurate and have been able to take decisions on certain things which I was unsure of.

Transform Your Life

Change Starts With You

Bring about a meaningful change in your life. Eliminate negative feelings, break unhealthy patterns, and take a step towards a happier and more fulfilling life

Unleash your infinite potential

Get in touch with Paridhi and start your journey towards fulfillment.

Unleash your infinite potential

Download this free audio training and get the clarity and confidence to build your dreams, on your terms.